*Thank you to Pampers for sponsoring today’s post! All thoughts & opinons are my own.
Becoming a mother is the greatest thing .. and also, one of the most overwhelming. When I was pregnant, I often found myself asking, “What do I ACTUALLY need?” Now that we are almost a year (how is that even possible?!) into life with Britton, I am reflecting back and sharing with you the TOP FIVE things we use most frequently and, honestly, couldn’t have functioned without in Year One.

- Pampers Swaddlers: When it comes to Britton’s skin and overall health, we knew Pampers was a safe bet because they’re the #1 Pediatrician Recommended brand, and they know that healthy skin doesn’t start with the latest trend or fad – it starts with a diaper that keeps skin dry. We did purchase multiple kinds of diapers at the beginning, as each child is different, but Pampers was the clear winner for us. The newly redesigned Pampers Swaddlers diapers are not only soft and extra absorbent, but I also love the indicator line that changes colors to alert you that the diaper is wet. This alleviates any guessing and allows you to know immediately when your little one has a wet diaper. Sis and I always joke that we are the diaper police because as soon as that line changes, we are on it to change diapers. She also uses Pampers Swaddlers on my nephew, Macrae, and swears by them. Diapers are your number one used product with a baby/toddler, and I am so glad to have found Swaddlers early on because they work so well for Britton. There are so many unknowns with a new baby (especially as a first-time parent), so it was nice to find the right (for us!) diapers so quickly.
- Owlet Foot Monitor: This was and is our saving grace to sleeping at all. We have used it since the first week home from the hospital and will keep using it until it doesn’t fit B’s foot anymore! I love the instant readings of heart rate and oxygen levels so I can know that B is safe and sound asleep in his room. When he was in the bassinet beside me, even though he was wearing it, I would find myself watching him take breaths – but once we moved him to this room, this was the only thing keeping me from going in his room 800 times a night just to watch him breathe. Basically, this was the best money ever spent for my sleep as a mom of a new baby, and I can’t recommend it more. There is an app that shows you baby’s levels/sleep patterns, and we actually have the Owlet monitor, as well, so I can see and hear him through the same app. A few people said not to get the Owlet because it could give a ‘false alert’, but my philosophy was that I would rather get a false alert if the sock came off or shifted in the night, then to not get an alert with we really needed it. I, of course, always encourage each new mom to do their own research, but in my opinion, this is a MUST HAVE.
- 4moms Highchair: So, like most of these items .. Sis and I both have this. This highchair is a dream! A few of the initial reasons we got it are: takes up minimal space, sturdy, grey and white (so matches most aesthetics), no fabric (so it is easily washable) and has a removable top tray that you can take off and still have the main tray. All of these features are amazing, but the game changer is the magnetic tray. It has a *true* one-hand release on the front that you can lift off with one hand and you can put it on with one hand too, since the tray magnetizes to the chair on the sides. You don’t have to pull any latches or line anything up. It’s truly the easiest removal and attachment with no real effort – which if you have ever tried to line up a highchair tray with a baby in one arm that requires two hands, you truly know how magical this feature is. And also, you can purchase the 4moms dishes that magnetize to the tray itself. What more could you want than a highchair that is cute, takes up little space, and is so darn easy to use and clean?!?
- Newton Baby Mattress: This mattress was another *peace of mind* purchase. When we were looking at mattresses, we saw this was a breathable mattress and immediately wanted to check it out. You can actually bury your face in it and breathe with no obstruction. Knowing this safety precaution is in place with Britton sleeping in his crib for naps and night sleep is another thing that allows me to sleep a little better – for the hours I do actually get to sleep. 😉
- Avent Bottles: When we were choosing bottles, Sis encouraged me to try a few kinds before committing to one … but she handed me BAGS full of Avent bottles that worked wonders for Macrae, so that it what we tried first and ended up loving. (We truly love & appreciate hand-me-downs in this fam!) We love that the Avent bottles are easy to clean and don’t have too many parts. We use the Avent Natural since they are good for babies that are nursing and bottle fed simultaneously. Although, I am not breastfeeding anymore – these were great when I was and are still great with exclusive bottle feeding. Another wonderful feature is the Airflex valve that is built in the nipple to reduce air in the bottle and help with any baby tummy troubles. Britton can hold these on his own, and they come in multiple sizes.

Of course, there are so many other things we use, but these are the core items we use day in and day out. We are so thankful for products that have alleviated some of the guesswork out of first-time parenting, since basically everyday is a “wonder what we are supposed to do now” kind of day around here. Parenting can be difficult and overwhelming, but anything that can make you feel more comfortable about your baby’s health, safety and security is worth the money in my opinion. The way I look at it is an investment in a possible extra hour of sleep .. and that is indeed priceless.